Grade Level: 8th – 12th grades
Ages: 14 & up
Classes Meet: Mondays
Semester 1: Monday, September 9th, 2024
Semester 2: Monday, January 13, 2025.
(December 2nd will be make-up day if needed.)
Times: 10: 00 – 10:50am
Instructor: Tracy Paxson
Instructor Email:
Tuition / Fees:
$320 per year ($160 per semester) A Non-Refundable enrollment fee of $60 is due at the time of registration to hold your place in the class for the semester. With $100 due the first class of the semester. This allows the teacher to plan for class size and availability.
This is a FULL year-long class.
If your child has special needs, please contact the teacher directly.
Course Description: This class is full. Please email teacher to get on waiting list.
ASL is claimed to be the third most-commonly used language in the United States. This is a year-long class structured to cover the basics of Deaf culture, Deaf history and the language as a whole. Your student will focus on the fundamentals of grammar, facial expressions, vocabulary, finger spelling and numbers. ASL will be taught within contexts related to general surroundings and everyday life experiences. Class participation, weekly reading assignments, quizzes and exams will help to attain comprehension. We will be using the book Master ASL!. Students must purchase this book. Below are links to purchase the book. If you are unable to find the book, please let me know.
*5 min/12 max
Used: dchild=1&keywords=master+asl&qid=1617133683&s=books&sr=1-3
This course is a prerequisite for ASL 2 which will be offered in 2025/2026. Your high school student will earn 1 credit/ semester, with 2 credits for a full year.