Art Zoo!! (Wednesday, Auburn) Elementary Art

Art Zoo!!

Grade Level: K – 5th grades


Classes Meet: Wednesdays

Semester 1: Sept. 3rd

Semester 2: Jan. 7th

Times: 11:00 – 12:00

Instructor: Tara McClure Schrock


Tuition / Fees:$320.00 tuition- A NON-REFUNDABLE enrollment fee of $120.00 is due within 2 weeks of registration to hold your student’s place in the class and allow the teacher to buy any needed supplies.  That leaves $200 due on September 3rd.

This is a year long class.

Course Description: Lions, Tigers and Bears, OH MY!!! Art Zoo is a full year of art activities related to animals. Every class will have a focus on a certain family of animals. There will be a lot of hands on drawing instruction and practice as well as getting to use lots of different media to make the artwork colorful and unique. This class is designed following the Jeanie Fulbright book :Exploring Creation with Zoology 3: Land Animals of the Sixth Day. You do not need this book to take the class. If you are interested in a more unit study type experience for your student, Becky is teaching elementary science using that book.
