Art Around the World

Art Around the World (Thursday)

Grade Level: K – 5th Grade

Ages: 5 – 10

Classes Meet:Thursday

Semester 1: Thursday, September 4th

Semester 2: Thursday, January 8th

Times: 11:00 – 12:00 AM

Instructor: Tara McClure Schrock


Tuition / Fees:

Tuition / Fees:  $320.00 tuition- A NON-REFUNDABLE enrollment fee of $120.00 is due within 2 weeks of registration to hold your student’s place in the class and allow the teacher to buy any needed supplies.  That leaves $100 due on the first day of each semester.  

This is FULL year-long class. 

If you have a student with special needs, please contact the teacher directly to discuss.

Course Description: Come take a tour of 24 countries around the globe and create an artwork to highlight each of them. This class will take a quick peak at the countries location on our big world map and then create a masterpiece commemerating a landmark, tradition or native artist of that country. While working on our pieces we’ll enjoy music from that country. All the artworks for this class will be put into a portfolio for easy keeping!
