Entrepreneurship-How to start your own small business!
FIRST Semester Class
Grade Level: 7th-12th grade
Ages: 13 and up
Classes Meet: Thursdays
Semester 1: Thursday, September 5th -November 28th, 2024
Times: 12:00 pm-12:50 pm
Instructor: Angel Pickard
Instructor Email: apickard1977@gmail.com
Tuition / Fees: $160.00 tuition- A NON-REFUNDABLE enrollment fee of $60 is due within 2 weeks of registration to hold your student’s place in the class and allow the teacher to buy any needed supplies. This enrollment fee will come off your total tuition in September. This is a FIRST Semester class only.
Course Description:
Many teens have successful businesses in lieu or to supplement a more traditional teen job. Does starting a small business sound overwhelming? We will break the process down into 10 steps you can complete relatively quickly and start selling, promoting, and growing your business within days.
This course uses a low-cost text called “10 Steps to Your First Small Business for Teens” by Adam Lean. The course will use his book as an outline but will also include content from business owners, interviews with small business entrepreneurs and a follow up to the book about different types of business filings for taxes and legal purposes. We will begin with brainstorming of ideas for your business and help you develop a plan to price services and goods, promote and market, develop your services with feedback from customers, gather supplies, and evaluate your competition. We will practice networking skills, partnership skills and leadership skills as we navigate entrepreneurship. This is a hands-on class with a ‘step’ to be completed each week. At the end of class, you will launch your business.
Course book:10 Steps to Your First Small Business for Teens!
Supplies Needed: Please purchase the book above for your student and I will provide all other needed items through their supply fee. Students will need access to Google Classrooms.
Grades: I will grade based on completed weekly work and on the final business launch.
For students with special needs, please contact the teacher prior to registration.