Anatomy & Physiology LAB

Anatomy & Physiology Lab

Grade Level: 8th – 12th grades

Ages: 13 & up

Classes Meet: Mondays

Semester 1: Monday, September 8th – November 24th, 2025

Semester 2: Monday, January 5th – March 23rd, 2026.

(December 1st and March 30th will be make-up days if needed.)

Times: 1: 00 – 1:55 pm 

Instructor: Olivia Augenstein


Tuition / Fees: Total $320 per year ($160 per semester) 

Payment options: 1) Payment in full for the year before classes begin Payment option: 2) A Non-Refundable payment of $120 due at the time of registration to hold your place in the class for both semesters, then a payment of $100 on first day of 1st semester, then a 2nd payment of $100 on first day of 2nd semester

Course Description: This lab is a hands-on approach to understanding the human body and how it works. We will be looking at slide and tissue samples under the microscopes, learning about x-rays, and more. The class will be dissecting several organs and specimens to help the student understand how they work. Students will learn how to take vital signs, CPR and interpret blood chemistry. It is strongly recommended that this course is taken with the Anatomy and Physiology Lecture.

Dates: Full Year Course

Where: Epiphany Lutheran Church, 6606 Maplecrest Road, Fort Wayne

Required text: Advanced Biology in Creation, the Human Body; Fearfully and Wonderfully Made, by Shannon & Yunis

Time requirements: Class- We will cover a module in 1 to 2 weeks. Each module has end of the chapter questions, vocab, and cumulative tests.

Lab- each module has 1 to 2 hands-on labs that will correlate with the book.  

Grades: Class- based on homework, vocab and tests.

Lab: based on lab sheets and tests.

– Class = 1 credit, Lab =.5 credit/semester

-Students are not required to take notes. I expect students to participate in the lecture. I can send the power points for each module to those who request them.

– I encourage each student to outline the entire module as they are reading it.

Expectations: Students will complete readings and homework before class. Students will study the vocabulary and ask questions when needed. If a class is missed, it is the student’s responsibility to complete the readings, homework and labs. There will be no make-up labs. If a student misses a lab, they will make up the points by writing a 1-page paper over the topic of that lab.


  • Homework will be due 1 week after the correlating lecture. This gives the students time to ask questions. If an assignment is not turned in within 2 weeks of the due date, the student will receive a zero.

  • Homework will be stapled together and neat with no frayed ends. If not it will not be accepted.

  • All vocabulary will need to be written out and turned in.

  • All work is to be kept in a folder until the end of semester to refer back to.

  • Labs will follow the same rules

  • It is the student’s responsibility to contact me with questions. I always answer in a timely manner. Email is the best way to contact me.

  • Students will behave and treat each other with respect. If a student has to be reprimanded, I will call the parents. If it continues without resolution, student will be asked to leave class permanently without a refund. (I have never had this be an issue.)

  • Cancellations: NHC follows FWC for weather. Always use your best judgement. Safety is the highest priority. Sickness: I will be half dead before I cancel but again use best judgement. We don’t want to infect others. I do ask that you let me know by email or text if a student will be absent, so I don’t worry.

  • If a student has special needs, please contact the teacher directly to discuss.


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