Tara McClure Schrock

Instructor Email: creativeworks210@outlook.com
Instructor Description: Hi, My name is Tara McClure Schrock. I have been homeschooling for 22 years and have three children. About 10 years ago I began offering a variety of art classes and that blossomed into starting a home studio and also branching out into tutoring and teaching in composition, literature and history as well as a few other subjects. Then an opportunity opened to begin teaching classes here at NHC! This will be my 10th year! It is my desire to encourage other home-school families and to offer quality supplemental classes to bolster what is already happening at home. I’ve been through the training and accreditation program with The Institute for Excellence in Writing and am now qualified at the Certified level to teach their curriculum. Teaching art classes and adding fuel to the creative fires of students is also something that I love!
Classes Tara Teaches
IEW Wonders of Science Writing (Mondays/FW)
IEW Publice Speaking (1st semester)(Mondays/FW)
Literary Analysis (HS) (2nd semester) (Mondays/FW)
Drafting & Design (JH/HS)(Mondays/FW)
Art Quest (K-5th) (Mondays/FW)
Watercolor & Ink JH/HS) (Mondays/FW)
Art & Literature (K-3rd) (Wednesdays/Auburn)
IEW Wonders of Science Writing (JH) (Wednesdays/Auburn)
IEW Public Speaking (1st semester) (Wednesdays/Auburn)
IEW Literature Analysis (Jr/HS)(2d semester) (Wednesdays/Auburn)
Drafting & Design (JH/HS) (Wednesdays/Auburn)
Watercolor & Ink (JH/HS) (Wednesdays/Auburn)
Art & Literature (K-3rd) (Thurs/FW)
Indiana History Adventures (K-5th) (Thurs/FW)